Welcome! Welcome to Soapstone's [he/they] World Wide Web-site on NeoCities. Soapstone who is me is known for my summer 2020 SMASH [no pun intended] hit "No Copyright Intended" and my 2022 SMASH [no pun] hit "Sleepyhead".
Soapstone has been going since like 2018 when Soap Sounds came out and was bad, and ever since I have been getting better (like the song!). I used to make weird synthy computery stuff but now I make weird acoustic-y synth-y and whatever-else-catches-my-fanc-y stuff with real instruments with less computers than ever.
My main influences would be Lemon Demon, The Beatles, and, like, Homestuck just in general. I know that one's a comic but like if you've read Homestuck you know what I mean
Discography, iirc:
2018 - Soap Sounds
2018 - MIDI
2019 - April 23rd EP
2020 - No Copyright Intended
2020 - BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !!
2020 - Super Swag Lemon Demon Covers
2020 - No Copyright Extended
2021 - Yesterday
2021 - Birthday
2021 - Piranha Plant's Lullaby
2022 - Sleepyhead
2023 - I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew